Senin, 06 Februari 2012


Vocabs: Shapes and Part of Body
Shapes :
» shapes is all the geometrical information that remains whe location, scale and rotational effect are filtered out from an object.
Simple Straight Sided Shapes
Example : Rectangle (Persegi Panjang), Square (Persegi), Triangle (Segitiga).
*) Simple Rounded Shapes
Example : Circle (Lingkaran), Oval (Oval/Lonjong).

*) Types of Triangle
Example : Equilateral Triangle (Segitiga Sama Kaki), Isosceles Triangle (Segitiga Sama Sisi), Rightangled Triangle (Segitiga Siku-Siku).
*) 2D and 3D Shapes
Example : Cone (Kerucut), Cube (Kubus), Cylinder (Tabung), Pyramid (Limas), Rectangular (Balok), Prism (Prisma), Sphere (Bola).
*) Mathematical Shapes
Example ; Parallelogram (Jajargenjang), Pentagon-5 sides (Segi 5), Hexagon-6 sides (Segi 6), Octagen-8 sides (Segi 8).
*) Miscellaneous Shapes
Example ; Coffin, Diamond (Belah Ketupat), Heart (Hati), Kite (Layang-layang), Petal, Shell (Kerang/Tiram), Star (Bintang), Teardrop.

Part of Body
ž  The Body
1.Hair = Rambut
17.Wrist = Pergelangan Tangan
2.Head = Kepala
18.Fist = Kepalan Tangan
3.Neck = Leher
19.Hand = Tanagn
4.Throat = Tenggorokan
20.Palm = Tapak Tangan
5.Shoulder = Bahu
21.Thumb = Ibu Jari
6.Chest = Dada
22.Finger = Jari Tangan
7.Back = Punggung
23.Nail = Kuku
8.Waist = Pinggung
24.Leg = Kaki
9.Stomach = Perut
25.Thigh = Paha
10.Hip = Pinggul
26.Knee = Lutut
11.Bottom = Pantat
27.Calf = Betis
12.Armpit = Ketiak
28.Ankle = Pergelangan Kaki
13.Arm = Lengan
29.Foot = Kaki
14.Upper arm = Lengan Atas
30.Heel = Tumit
15.Elbow = Siku
31.Instep = Kura-Kura Kaki
16.Forearm = Lengan Bawah  
32.Sole = Tapak Kaki

33.Toes = Jari Kaki

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